Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I met a gypsy frog

Let me just preface this blog by saying I am eating some sort of soup my mom made. I can identify eggplant, roasted red pepper, green bell peppers, celery, onions and garlic, and some kind of ground meat. I don't know what its called or where it came from but I'm glad it's in my mouth. Hey! That's like how my evening went the other night! I wrote a segue with out even trying! Literary genius I am.

Okay, that's not exactly how my night went but for comedic purposes we will pretend. Or did it? Anyway, on a whim I decided to go to a drag show I heard about through a few people. I figure I should try to socialize otherwise blogging becomes a bit sad. Don't ya think? Just kidding I don't care! I have never really been to a drag show so I was a virgin. Fresh meat! Gagging! Sickening! Camp! Work! Fish! Bleeend dah-ling. Beat mugs! I just wanted to use all my drag lingo and didn't want to put the effort of figuring out how to incorporate it in. Plus I don't really know how to use it. It was a blasty blast. There were a lot of drunken gays doing what drunken gays do best - Groping. I don't know about you, but I welcome being groped. In the midst of being groped and avoiding having to pee in the shady bathroom I met some awesome people whom I've hung out with a few times since. I'll talk about them at some point. I say this after I wrote a paragraph about all of them and realized I was moving to fast and I didn't want to intro-douche you to my new friends yet. We are not at that level yet reader(s).



I have to keep your standards for me as low as possible. I don't want you guys thinking complex writing skills are the norm. You'll be disappointed. Anyway, it rains every day in this part of Pennsylvania in some form or another. There is raining and sprinkling which you are all aware of  I'm sure (sorry Africans that was insensitive, I shouldn't just assume). I've notice there is something here less that a sprinkle, but not just mist or fog. You feel it drop on you, but its not sprinkling. So we could call it a Minkle, Sprog, Finkle or Mog. Maybe its just dew settling? I don't fucking know, all I know is it doesn't happen in Texas. In Texas it seems you are either scared shitless because trees are bending sideways and your neighbors are floating down the street or you step outside and the sun instantly bakes any moisture out of your body. Have you ever seen a hunk of ice the size of a large grapefruit bounce off a lady's shoulder? I have. I often wondered back home if Texas weather scares me so bad what is it like the be a squirrel. I can see one hugging a tree limb being flung around and dodging giant balls of ice that are traveling a good 50 miles per hour all while other small rodents and birds are falling to their horrific deaths beside them. That was a run on sentence but if you read it in one breath it because a game! That being said, I did experience my first taste of real humidity a few days ago. That shit is gross! It was only like 88 degrees outside but the humidity knocked you in the ass. Knocked you in the inevitably swampy-ass ass. I feel like swampy-ass is pretty to the point but in case you didn't know it's when every bit of sweat on your body flows to the lowest elevation. This just so happens to be your ass crack. Still though, I will take a day here and there of humidly versus 4 straight months of 105+ temps.

Well this has been another enthrauling episode of Preston's fucked up thought process.

As always,
Catch ya on the flipside!

Oh! PS. Happy September 11th? I mean... In memory... Uhh. This is awkward.
