Thursday, August 23, 2012

I am the queen of Tejano Music!

 So, I've been sitting here lip-syncing to Eminem for a good 20 minutes in my room. Weirdo you say? How about it's my process asshole! 

Do people laugh at James Earl Jones doing those strange vocal exercises? Nope! Hes gotta keep that voice deep and gravely or he is nothing but a large black man with freckles! or is that Morgan Freeman? I don't know. No but really it is my process. For some reason Eminem songs make me want to be productive. If I am on a treadmill and Eminem comes on, I just start sprinting. If I am cooking, I begin to chop frantically to the beat. If I am in the shower, I aggressively shampoo my bits'n'pieces. These moments are usually accompanied by a generic stank face and various forms of fist pumping or chest bumping the air. The other end of this would be when that bitch Sarah Mclachlan comes on, you are instantly demotivated and begin to weep into a dying flower, or is that just me? I guess her songs motivate you to think about if you have appropriate funeral garb or whether or not you could handle saving a dog with one eye and half a leg from a trash compactor. I couldn't do it. If you don't see it, it didn't happen.  Ever wonder why Mexicans clean so well? It's all in the music. I was washing dishes one day and some sweet sweet cumbias from our beloved Selena came on. I found myself wide-eyed, bobbing my head back and forth scrubbing the door. As I did the Salsa. So, if you want you're house to sparkle, SELENA! 

MEXICAN UPDATE - I had a margarita at a Mexican dive. There were at least 6 Mexicans present. I think they live under the restaurant. 

 Really the point is, music can totally change your mood and intentions for that 4 and a half minutes. Powerful shit. Can we change someones mood for that amount of time? I mean I guess if you stand in their way and clumsily flail about blocking their path you could. You could scream FUCKPOOP in their ear, that might change their mood. Maybe music isn't so fucking special now that I think about it. Nope, yea it is. Songs can instantly transport you back to a very specific time. Any song from that bubblegum pop era will make me burst into a shouldery dance. Shouldery is a word if you were wondering. Go to school, look it up. Any Regina Spektor song takes me back to those days when me and a few others basically founded YouTube. Do you know who Brookers is? Ya I didn't think so, but I do! Okay mostly we just all spent our days in a chat room talking about how we were 16 and liked playing with cameras, but it was before any of you all knew about YouTube, so suck on it.

Really though the long end of the short end or the thing of it is - There is a soundtrack to each of our lives. I wonder what songs will remind me of this time in my life? Which songs will take me back to this moment, and give me that nostalgic feeling. I guess time will tell.

As always - Catch ya on the flip side Gordo!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No mas


None. Like, what? None. Okay, well maybe a few but in comparison to Abilene Texas it's pretty much none. I imagine my reaction to the few Mexicans I've seen is similar to the reaction Asian people would have if they were to see a red-head hobbling down a busy street in Tokyo. Oh yea, Gingers hobble, you didn't know? Oh, I guess I should intro-douche myself or at least give you and idea of what kind of bullshit you are about to read. Right! Well my name is Preston and for all intensive purposes I am white. So that was racism back there, just so we are clear. I recently relocated from my home state of Texas all the way to Altoona, Pennsylvania. Hence the title of this blog. I so clever.  Basically I'll break it down real good for ya right here - I finger the best therapy for a transitional stage in life is to write about it. I'm sure actual therapy would help, but who does that? Weird people (white people).

I have always wanted to do a blog thingy anyway so if this is what motivates me who are you to judge me! To all of you who have something nasty to say about me, or other women that are built like me, I have one thing to say to you, KISS MY FAT ASS!! Oh sorry, that was Tyra. So you know, that will happen a lot. My mind goes a mile a minute so often I will quote something that has nothing to do with the topic, or may not even be real words. I can't promise that I wont at some point post a blog consisting only of letter/number combos I think look pretty together. For example,  8&8&8&8& or qpdb. Thems are pretty. Mostly this is a way for me to not feel crazy. I write "blogs" for my "audience" when in reality I am basically talking to myself and giggling at the little things I find funny. Which is what crazy people do! Well that and get in fist fights with Payphones. Speaking of, just in general... What happened to payphones? I remember the days when they were outside of every store, and on every corner. Where do drunk people pee now? Where do druggies call their dealers? Cell phones are erasing my childhood

You'll notice some things are in pink text, these are facts. Just accept them as facts and your life will be greatly enriched. I finger some of you are skimmers out there so this gives you lazy ass farts a way to read my blog without actually reading it. In all honesty, it perturbs me that all books don't come with a skimming feature. Every single piece of literature no matter the subject should be published skimmer friendly. I like my books like I like my coffee; Awesome with Skim. That was a terrible joke, but I committed to it. So much so in fact that I will start ordering my coffee like that. Shows you! HA! Maybe someone else out there has thought of this already but what fun is paving the way? Who likes being the first at something? Not me. I want to know many people came before me and failed hard, got covered in shit and died in the process before I do ANYTHING. It really is the best way to live life. Also, did ja git it? I so clever.

Anyway, to sum this all up. I am going to post some really random shit on this and some deep shit. Now THAT shit is deep.

I heard this on Lizzie Mcguire when I was a kid and always wanted to use it -
Catch ya on the flip side!